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How to Grow Mint

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How to Grow Mint

How to Grow Mint

There are endless varieties of mint, each having their own particular fragrance and texture. Some of the more exotic varieties include pineapple mint and grapefruit mint. Extremely easy to grow, the classic mint flavor has been used for thousands of years and matches perfectly with lamb, peas and potatoes.

This hardy perennial herb is native to Mediterranean countries, and the following advice will help you get the best from your plant.

  • Soil, Planting and Care
  • Troubleshooting
  • Harvest and Storage


Mint grows successfully from seeds and cuttings and is best planted outdoor in April or can be planted indoors year round in a container. In the garden, it should be planted approximately 12 inches apart, when the soil temperature is between 69 ºF and 75 ºF. Mint prefers partly shaded, damp areas and will grow for many years.

How to Grow Mint

How to Grow Mint


growing mint

growing mint

The soil should be moist and preferably a rich loam with a mixture of sand, silt and clay. You can mix your own in a 40-40-20 concentration, or purchase a premixed garden soil such as a Compressed Organic Potting Soil. The porous texture will allow water to follow through slowly enough for the mint plant to be able to access it. The soil can be dressed liberally with manure or compost for the best results.


Mint needs to be watered regularly, particularly if in a container, but will not suffer from lack of attention and doesn’t require constant sunlight. A good feed of blood, fish and bone should be given twice a year. Mint will die down in the winter, but the roots will remain to provide fresh foliage in the spring.


The main problem with mint is that it is likely to take over vast areas of the garden, by sending out roots that are just below the surface. If left unchecked, it can be difficult to remove as it is quicker growing and stronger than all other herbs and can even smother weeds.

For this reason, many people prefer to grow their mint in containers, which can be sunk into the ground for a more natural look. The roots rarely grow below a depth of four inches, so a shallow bowl will be enough for your plant.

Harvest and Storage

Mint establishes itself quite quickly and can be harvested from approximately eight weeks. The fragrant leaves should be cut from the top of the plant, using scissors, to encourage further growth. If you intend drying the mint, the stems should be trimmed once any morning dew has evaporated.

It’s good practice not to cut mint in damp weather, as the leaves often turn black and are inedible. If you intend to dry your mint, it is best to remove any moisture as quickly as possible, preferably by leaving it in a slow oven for several hours, before crumbling the leaves into an air-tight container.

Placed in the right spot in your garden, it makes a pretty, seasonal ground cover, where your feet could brush against it to release the fragrance.

Why not consider growing your own mint to use fresh or dried, adding its distinctive flavor to any dish?